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Nasze projekty przyniosą korzyści Tobie, Twojej rodzinie, planecie i przyszłym pokoleniom.
Nasze usługi
Oferujemy konsultacje na różne tematy związane z projektowaniem przestrzeni Ziemi i zarządzaniem gruntami, począwszy od prostych wskazówek dotyczących tworzenia ogrodów po zrównoważone i przyjazne dla środowiska praktyki rolnicze na dużą skalę.
Projekty krajobrazu
Wykonamy dla Ciebie projekty przestrzeni Ziemi w duchu nauki Permakultury, która polega na umieszczaniu elementów krajobrazu w harmonii z naturą, Twoim klimatem, topografią, otoczeniem, kątami słońca, zjawiskami pogodowymi i nie tylko.
Od czasu do czasu oferujemy szereg kursów, dzięki którym możesz zacząć tworzyć własną zieloną przestrzeń.
We were lucky enough to have found Ewa the Co-Founder of Granvisio after a long time of looking for a Permaculture consultant in Abruzzo. From the first day we contacted her she was eager to listen to our dream of creating a Permaculture small hold, she asked detailed questions so she could support and guide us through the subject of Permaculture.
Ewa as a consultant exceeded our expectations, she was professional, knowledgeable and enthusiastic at all times and we look forward to working more with her in the future to help us implement our long-term project. We highly recommend her services for anybody looking for Permaculture guidance.
My fiancee and I are planning to buy land in Peru and start our own "chacra". I found many of the Youtube videos quite vague until I stumbled on Eva's videos. Her content is what I was looking for. She gives very concrete examples that you can readily apply, leaving you with a good understanding of the theory so that you can go and investigate further on your own. She puts a lot of love in creating the videos as well, they are very didactic because of the meticulously crafted illustrations.
After watching some of her videos, I decided to contact Eva for a consultation regarding buying land in Peru. [...] We are extremely happy with the first consultation. Eva has shown to be an incredibly prepared and diligent Permaculture professional. We are already discussing with her about booking subsequent consultations for the other phases of our project.
As much of the world has become a wasteland, cynicism and apathy are easy companions on which to fallback. Permaculture is a fundamental reorientation of focus and an inversion of the ethical norms pushed by the politics of our time.
Granvisio is a practical, strengths based, and immediately useful guide to the discipline of permaculture and what it offers in terms of ecological reciprocity and overall well being. Permaculture can feel like a mountain, but Granvisio provides a scaffolded approach that unfolds this revolutionary system in a specific, manageable, attainable, realistic, and timely manner.
It was fantastic to work with Gran Visio!
I have found Eva to be very passionate about permaculture design and it has been a great experience working with her.
Having Eva by my side who cares so much about what she does and puts her heart and soul into a project is a key to success!
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