Permaculture Services FAQ

What is Permaculture?

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, "Permaculture is an agricultural system or method that seeks to integrate human activity with natural surroundings so as to create highly efficient self-sustaining ecosystems." Bill Mollison and David Holmgren are founding fathers of Permaculture science and philosophy created in 1971. Paradoxically, Permaculture teachings, being so innovative in offering solutions to modern agriculture problems, actually resemble many ancient and tribal polyculture agroforestry techniques. Read more about Permaculture in my blog post.

Who is Permaculture Designer & Consultant?

Permaculture Designer & Consultant has undertaken a Permaculture Design Course and applies Permaculture principles and ethics in designing landscapes and creating resilient and sustainable ecosystems.

Do you hold Permaculture Design Certificate and where did you obtain it?

Yes, Eva undertook Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course in 2021 that was extensively taught throughout 13 months by Geoff Lawton and his crew of Teaching Assistants at Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. This is the only Permaculture Institute in the world that can authorise graduates successfully obtaining PDC to teach the full Permaculture Design curriculum (as prescribed by Bill Mollison). Eva obtained her PDC in April 2022. Check authenticity of Eva's PDC here.

Do you teach Permaculture Designs Certificate courses?

We offer short-term gardening and forestry courses even though Eva is authorised to teach the whole Permaculture Design Certificate curriculum. This is because we do not have a capacity to teach the PDC yet, as it is a very extensive and complex course. We don't want to offer a course just because we can. We want to do so in the best possible manner to avoid misunderstandings amongst students. We realise that teaching PDC in a quick way may leave students with knowledge gaps which may lead to unintended consequences for them when trying to change the landscape without proper considerations.

Why should I hire Permaculture Designer & Consultant?

Permaculture Designers and Consultants have an ability to perfectly read and assess the landscape so that its full potential is used in creating abundance. It doesn't mean that all profits are taken on the verge of possibilities causing a soil collapse. It rather means soil structure and fertility are vastly improved by applying methods out of which abundance is the natural end result. You should also ensure you hire a Permaculture Designer Consultant that completed their PDC from a renowned institution or by very least they were taught by experienced Permaculture Practitioners.

Why should I obtain a Design from you? Is reading information on the Internet not enough to introduce changes?

If introducing changes to your landscape interests you but you are not sure how to start, we can show you in a short period of time the opportunities that may have been hidden from you by conventional perspective of cultivating land. Read about Permaculture Design benefits and our work processes here.

The Internet is full of information about the Permaculture methods and techniques, but most of it is just a theory. Sometimes the information can be easily misunderstood if you don't know the full picture. For example, you can find many articles about usefulness of Permaculture swales system, however they may miss information about where they should be placed in the landscape or if they are appropriate to implement in certain circumstances at all. Without knowing how to read the landscape and recognising nature patterns it may be difficult to connect the dots.

At granvisio we are passionate about Permaculture which seeds have been planted in our hearts and minds in South America in 2013. Since then we have been deepening the knowledge to finally apply it on our homestead in Italy. Therefore, we can produce a high quality Design for you and help you assimilate the necessary information quickly.

Why the slogan Earth Designs and tornado symbol in your logo? :-)

Although our Designs are in fact Permaculture Designs, we want to call them simply Earth Designs. This is because we want to see a world applying Permaculture teachings naturally like it's been always the case. Permaculture methods of transforming the landscape take us back to what we believe Earth looked like in the past. No shortage of water, no deserts, abundant crops etc. We believe it must be the case because it feels so natural to deal with the landscape this way. So maybe in the future what we now call Permaculture Design, and what is still so foreign to many people on this planet, will simply mean Earth Design.

We thought of tornado when we were creating our logo, because inside it there is a stillness and calmness, which are necessary to obtain clarity (clear vision through the tornado eye). Before we commence our tangible work, we first form a great vision (granvisio) to translate it to something visible to then inspire and educate people.

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